• Sunday Post 93: It’s not Hives…

    Now a few weeks ago, I had what I thought were some hives show up on my left arm and hand. Spurts of these itchy bumps appeared from my elbow to the palm of my hand. It wasn’t until I went to set things up at my desk before our first day officially back in… Read more

  • Sunday Post #92: Adobe Woes

    Sunday Post #92: Adobe Woes

    I actually filmed a vlog last week! Yay! I was going to get back in to posting on YouTube. Wait, Sarah, why do you say “was going to”, don’t you mean you have? No! At least not this week it seems. I edited the video last night, but when I went to export Adobe Premiere… Read more

  • Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames

    Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames

    Clay Cooper and his band were once the best of the best, the most feared and renowned crew of mercenaries this side of the Heartwyld. Their glory days long past, the mercs have grown apart and grown old, fat, drunk, or a combination of the three. Then an ex-bandmate turns up at Clay’s door with… Read more

  • Sunday Post #91: Finished Mistborn Era 1!

    Sunday Post #91: Finished Mistborn Era 1!

    I finished my first series for the Finishing the Series Challenge! Woot! On Monday I finished listening to Hero of Ages. I struggle with Brandon Sanderson, I find his books so slow for me in the beginning. I wasn’t fully paying attention to when things picked up for me, but most of the book was… Read more

  • The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

    The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

    I was engaged in this story pretty much from page 1. I loved the plot, characters, and setting. Not that the setting is any place I would want to live, but I felt it was something a bit new, and different from what I’ve read previously. Read more

  • Sunday Post #90: Loving Misfits Market

    Sunday Post #90: Loving Misfits Market

    I’ve been getting weekly boxes from Misfits Market. (Note: the link is a referral link, which will get me some points I can use towards a future box, but I am not affiliated with Misfits Market in any way. I just really enjoy this service and have recommended it to some friends and family.) Having… Read more