• Sunday Post #7: Still Need to Cut

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim over on Caffeinated Review. This last week just flew by. I still don’t have enough time to do all I want to do. I come home from work and more or less crash. I’ve been going full steam there because of all the stuff I’m… Read more

  • Dewey’s 24-hour Readathon!!

    I found this readathon several years ago now. It happens semi-annually, and since finding it, I haven’t missed once. The next readathon is Saturday April 28, and you can still sign up to participate. I had never done a readathon before I found Dewey’s. Not just is it a 24-hour readathon, but it’s a place… Read more

  • Review: Champions of the Dragon: Epic Fallacy Book 1 by Michael James Ploof

    Title: Champions of the Dragon: Epic Fallacy Book 1 Author: Michael James Ploof Publisher: Michael James Ploof Format: Audiobook Narrator: Saethon Williams This book reminded me of the Monty Python movies; I probably shouldn’t say movies since I have only seen one of them. You couldn’t help but laugh at the stupidity of the characters. The plot is… Read more

  • Sunday Post #6 – Without Power

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. Good day! I am writing this from my parents home. We had to leave as our house was getting too cold. Go figure, but there was an ice storm last night even though we are technically in Spring. Several people… Read more

  • Creating a TBR list

    I don’t usually create TBRs for a month because I’m more of a mood reader; I read what I feel like reading. The problem with this is there are books I actually need to read and those I should be reading. An example would be the book my sister let me borrow at Christmas which… Read more

  • Review: Eve: The Awakening by Jenna Moreci

    Title: Eve: The Awakening Author: Jenna Moreci Publisher: Amazon Digital Services Format: ebook Summary: Eve is an outcast. A chimera. After years of abuse and rejection, 19-year-old Evelyn Kingston is ready for a fresh start in a new city, where no one knows her name. The esteemed Billington University in Southern California seems like the perfect place… Read more