October Wrap Up & November TBR

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October, October, October…. I gave myself 5 books, and I finished none. I started On Writing and Worldbuilding by Timothy Hickson. The chapters were basically his YouTube videos on these topics paired down to fit in a book. So if you watch his videos, you don’t necessarily need the book. I’m over half-way through Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, and what I’ve read has helped some, but I did not finish. I also started Celtic Traditions by Sirona Knight, and am on page 54. It contains a lot of good information, so I was reading slower than I would usually to try to absorb all the knowledge. I never touched Your First Novel or The Ninth Circle: Fire by C. A. Harland.

Seeing how well October went, and since I am participating in NaNoWriMo, I’m keeping November small.

I started this as a library book, but did not finish before it had to go back, then when I got it again had some issues and could not open as a Kindle and it was making me start over. So I ended up buying myself a copy, I was really enjoying this and would likely re-read at some point, and I wanted to have my highlights to write a review. Since I now bought myself a copy I will need to start over, essentially, so I can mark it with the highlights I had made, again.

I started the audiobook of Poppy War, I think for the Tome Topple readathon in August. I have yet to finish, so this will be a continuation. I still remember what was happening, and for the most part was enjoying the book. As other reviews have stated, it’s just a bit slow to get going, so I’ve been having a hard time getting in the mood to listen.

From the library, I have Sword of Destiny. This is another book I’ve technically already started. I will pick up where I left off, and hopefully finish. This is not the first time I’ve grabbed it again from the library in hopes of continuing this story.

Hopefully, I will be able to finish at least one of these. Of any, I’m hoping it will be Sword of Destiny, just because I started it before the others I’m hoping to read this month.