The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared.
I’ve decided to just casually partake in NaNoWriMo. I wasn’t going to, since this month’s goal is to write 50,000 words and I know this will not happen. There is just too much still going on in life I can’t put to the side for a month. Besides all the stuff going on, I usually struggle to get to even 25,000 words, which makes 50,000 an impossible goal. My goal will be more similar to a Camp NaNo, and I’m going to try to work on my story for just a few minutes each day. I realize a few minutes is not very specific, I’m also getting a bit of a late start since I didn’t think I was going to participate, but I’m feeling unusually motivated to work on my story. So, let’s make a decision right now for, (*thinking, thinking…) let’s go with 30 minutes each day.
Stay Tuned For…
Thursday 11/11/21 – Review: Winter’s Fury