The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared.
I seem to never really do a Spring Clean, so here we are doing a Fall Clean. My husband and I have been busy going through boxes. Our basement remodel is mostly finished, I’ve redone my studio, and we need to find the rightful place for some items or move them along out of the house. I’ve been helping parents go through stuff as well.
My version of NaNo, is going alright. I have not averaged 30 minutes a day since starting, but I have done at least 30 minutes on days I’ve sat down to work on the story. Everytime though, invariably I get the little monster in my ear how no one is going to read this story. I know there are elements and things missing from the story and I don’t know what to have the characters do to meet those requirements to keep people interested. I have to keep telling myself to just work on it and I will somehow figure it out. My days are still busy though and even 30 minutes is sometimes real hard to sneak in.

Coming this week on the blog:
Thursday 11/18/21 – End of Year Book Tag