The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared.
I’ve been getting weekly boxes from Misfits Market. (Note: the link is a referral link, which will get me some points I can use towards a future box, but I am not affiliated with Misfits Market in any way. I just really enjoy this service and have recommended it to some friends and family.) Having a mostly sedentary lifestyle between my office job, and then sitting at home just reading, it is important to me to be eating healthy foods. I mentioned last week I’ve been catching myself going for the bad stuff, mostly when I’m stressed. Having healthy fruits and veggies in the fridge is somewhat helping. There is still an issue where I need to prep the food, like peeling an orange, but I’m starting to get better at doing this in the morning. By prepping the food in the morning, almost like I had to do when going to the office everyday, it becomes a quick grab just as easy as like the can of Dr. Pepper.
I first heard about them from I think it was Shelbi of Shelbizleee. She is a Youtuber who talks about sustainability and has mentioned services like Misfits Market or Imperfect Foods. Both are good services taking food not wanted by the grocery stores because it doesn’t meet the standards we set on food, like the apple is too small, too big, or the potato is disfigured, and keeps the food from the garbage heap. I can’t speak for Imperfect Foods because I haven’t tried them, but Misfits will use recyclable and compostable materials to ship your food. A while ago, I purchased one of their cold pack boxes with meats and dairy, and the cold pack used to keep the food cold is compostable! The insulation used to line the box is recyclable. There are still plastics involved, like the berries come in plastic packages, but this is also recyclable.
I’ve been struggling to read, but also want to read. I think in The Queen of Blood I’m reading right now, one of the characters is an absolute B%$#h, and I really don’t enjoy reading about her. The main character though has somehow brought this other girl who thinks she knows everything, and is better than everyone, in to her circle. I hate these kinds of characters and will be all too happy when she gets put in her place, but I feel like it’s a long ways coming. Just yesterday, I decided I was going to jump around between books more, rather than trying to power through this book when I can do nothing but hope this girl gets burned by one of the fire spirits, or something.
Hope all is well with everyone, and hope you are enjoying what you are reading. Make it a great week!