The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared.
I finished my first series for the Finishing the Series Challenge! Woot! On Monday I finished listening to Hero of Ages. I struggle with Brandon Sanderson, I find his books so slow for me in the beginning. I wasn’t fully paying attention to when things picked up for me, but most of the book was over when I finally hit the point where I didn’t want to pause the book. He does make the ending worth the reading through the slow pieces of the book. Even though I struggle, I want to continue with Mistborn era 2.
I have 3 books I’m currently reading, The Burning Sea by A.E. Rayne, The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst, and Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb on audiobook. I’m hoping to finish one of these this week, and be mostly done with the other two, if not have a second one finished before the end of this week.
How are you doing in your reading for the month so far? Are you enjoying what you are reading?