• Legends of Ahn by Kel Kade

    Title: Legends of Ahn (Book 3: Kings Dark Tidings) Author: Kel Kade Publisher: Podium Publishing Narrator: Nick Podehl **This review contains minor spoilers if you have not already read books 1 – Free the Darkness – and 2 – Reign of Madness.** Rez, his friends, and those they were able to save from the King’s Tournament are… Read more

  • Sunday Post #17 – Speeding Train

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim over on Caffeinated Reviewer. Last week went by faster than a speeding train. If I wasn’t working on stuff for the 9-5, I was working on stuff around the house, or for this blog or YouTube. I remember trying to lay down for just 17… Read more

  • Finally Fall Book Tag!

    I love Fall, and Spring. They both have temperatures, just right, and nature is quite beautiful. Since we are coming into Fall, I thought it was the perfect time to do the Finally Fall Book Tag. This tag was created by YouTuber Tall Tales last year, and I’m excited to be participating in the tag… Read more

  • Sunday Post #16 – Saw that Coming

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim over on Caffeinated Reviewer. As predicted, the work avalanche has started. It’s so bad, my boss keeps asking me about every hour if I’m done yet with one project in particular. A project I had under control until she stressed me out by asking every… Read more

  • Sunday Post #15 – Bad News, Good News

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim over on Caffeinated Reviewer. Well, my personal preference is bad news first then the good news to try and lighten the mood after the bad news. So, here goes the bad news first. We took our dog AJ to the vet and then a cancer… Read more

  • Reign of Madness by Kel Kade

    Title: Reign of Madness (book 2: Kings Dark Tidings) Author: Kel Kade Publisher: Podium Publishing **This review contains spoilers if you have not already read book 1 – Free the Darkness.** Reign of Madness is the second book in the Kings Dark Tidings series by Kel Kade. When we last left our friends, and gorgeous lead character,… Read more