The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared.
It’s the holiday season, and it’s getting to the point where I think we all go a bit loopy. I certainly had a moment when I went to the grocery store last night and there was basically no milk. I mean none. There were a few of the pint size jugs, but that was it. I’m not talking just the whole or 1/2% either, I mean all of it. Empty. I couldn’t believe it.
I made a few last minute gift orders online since I couldn’t find what I was looking for in the stores. So I’m hoping they arrive in time. I also need to find time to wrap the few gifts I do have. Which I must thank my husband. He helped with a gift for my parents, where he not only picked it up from the store for me and my sister, but wrapped it too.
Part of the craziness in my family comes from all the January birthdays. Not only are we buying for the holidays, but we are buying for birthdays.
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Newly Arrived

Thanks to Harper Collins Publishers for the ARC of Crush the King by Jennifer Estep.