The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared.
Well, this didn’t go according to plan. I do have blog posts planned for the month, but everything caught up to me and I didn’t have things done enough to finish some of these posts to post them in time. Which is why Tuesday and every day thereafter didn’t have a post. I was even moving what I had planned around because I could get the post for this time next week done before the one I wanted to post tomorrow, kind of thing was happening as well. Since there has already been most of a week without posts, and I don’t have anything ready for tomorrow, plus I’m posting this late, I’m calling BEDA a fail, and I’m not going to try squishing the research and reading I wanted to do for some of the posts I had planned, and I will move them out. Good news is, I should then have a bunch of posts ready and planned for the next several weeks. (How many days were left in the month?)
We also have a plan for the gas leak in our basement. Did I mention the gas leak? I think I did in another Sunday Post. Anyways, the soapy water test wasn’t working. But I found a local home improvement store had a tester for $24 and some change. After looking at the reviews and seeing most were 5 stars, and like if it doesn’t work, I could always return it, so I gave it a try. It worked. We’ve located the leaks, and just a few short hours ago, confirmed with my Dad a plan of attack to solve the leaks. These will likely not be fixed until next weekend, so I’ll let you know how it goes in the next Sunday Post.
Who is planning on participating in Dewey’s this Saturday? I am, kind of. I’ll hopefully be fixing a gas leak, and mostly likely be still reading for the certificate I’m attempting to get. While I won’t be reading anything fun, or much of fun reading, but I will be reading. We’ll see how it goes, but I will not be doing the full 24 hours. I’ll see you Saturday, here, for Dewey’s.