Whateverathon, or Whatever-You-Want-athon, is taking place the entire month of June. This readathon is hosted by Maddie from Book Browsing Blog on YouTube. This is the second year of the readathon. I had a lot of fun with it last year, and hope to have fun with it again this year.
The teams and points are a bit different this year. You can choose from TBR Travelers, Beach Readers, Sunset Scholars, or Shelf Slayers. After checking the prompts for the teams, I decided to go with Sunset Scholars. If you are a fellow Scholar, let me know in the comments. 😀 The points this year, are somewhat the same, there is still extra points for a diverse book, and so many points for finishing a book, or going above your goal. This year is different though, because Maddie brought her Bingo game to the readathon. Now, you get points for completing Bingos as well.
My goal number of books is 4 books, since I seem to struggle at times with this number. Anything over 4 books I read, will get my team extra points. I do have 5 books worked out with the prompts to get me 5 possible bingos. If I can’t get to that extra book and finish it though, I will only have 3 bingos. The bingo counts will also change if I am unable to get one of the non-reading promps she has on the bingo board.
In June, I have a baby-shower to go to, which shouldn’t really affect my reading. However, we do also have a weekend camping trip happening. In fairness there will be electricity, because we will be camping at a family cottage, but since we will be in a tent outside I’d rather not be reliant on my tablet or phone for reading. So, I will need at least one physical book to take with me on the trip.

I actually, only have one ebook in my first 4 books, with a possible second ebook, if I can get to it. This one had to go on my TBR because it is an ARC I requested via NetGalley and was approved for. The book is Witch 13, and it comes out on June 7. If possible, I’d like to have a review ready to post on the 7th, which means I need to high tail my eyes through this book.
This will go for the prompt of blank color on cover, I chose the color black and this cover is pretty much nothing but. This will also work for Recently Hauled, since I just got it, and less read genre, since it counts as Thriller and I don’t really read Thrillers. Thrillers are usually too scary for me, and will give my nightmares. We’ll see if Witch 13 scares me out of my shoes, falls flat, or is just okay.

Fallen Empire by K. N. Lee is a book I actually purchased many years ago to use with another readathon. This is planned as my 5th book though, so I will only get to it if I can get through the others on my TBR. I don’t remember much of what the book is about, but I’ve read other books by K. N. Lee and enjoyed them. Plus there is a dragon on the cover, and I haven’t had a good dragon book in a while. I’m hoping this will fit the bill.
I will be use this for the prompt of Dragons, which is a team specific prompt so you won’t have this prompt if you join Whateverathon and pick a different team. This also works for being under 300 pages, which gives me hope I will be able to finish it before the end of June if I can get to it.

Who am I? I only have 1 audiobook planned. The Death of Dulgath by Michael J. Sullivan is a book I should have listened to long ago. I loved the Riyria Revelations, and immediately picked up this book as the next book for the Riyria Chronicles, and then never read it. Why I didn’t pick it up right then, I don’t remember, but it is far past time I read this. These characters are so memorable and I can’t wait to get back to them.
This will work for the prompt of The, an, of a, and, since it starts with The. I’m counting this as being on a previous TBR since I did intend to read it at the time I purchased it, so it will work for Previous TBR. Finally, I’m using this for favorite genre, since it is Fantasy, and I love Fantasy books.
Physical Books

First physical book is Fruits Basket volume 5. I say first, because I’m using this to get the last letter -> first letter prompt. My sister introduced me, sort of, to Fruits Basket years ago. I say sort of, because I basically just caught her watching the episodes when we both lived with our parents. I thought it had an interesting concept. The Sohma family is cursed, and some of their children will transform in to one of the animals of the zodiac. Tohru goes to live with some of them, but at the time is unaware of the curse.
This will work for the prompt of continuing a series, since this is the 5th volume of the manga. It also has an academia theme; one of the settings is at the school where Tohru and a few of the other characters attend classes. It is also a manga, so it is a different format than what I usually read.

I don’t remember when I picked up a copy of Truthwitch, but I did. I’ve heard mixed reviews of the series so have been a little hesitant to pick it up. All I really remember of the synopsis of this book, is it follows a witch who can tell if you are telling the truth or not.
The prompts for this include last -> first since Fruits Basket ends with a ‘t’ and this title starts with ‘t’. This will also work for shiny cover, since the copy I have has a glossy kind of cover on it. Last, this will work for one word title.
I hope you will join in the fun of Whateverathon. If you do I wish you luck. To everyone, happy reading!